Welcome to
Hotel  Buntes  Haus! 

The Hotel Buntes Haus is the oldest hotel in Seiffen. It was built 480 years ago as a probate court. Court proceedings originally took place here – with the judge also being a fully licensed innkeeper! A tradition that was handed down generation after generation. And so it was that Seiffen residents have been gathering within these venerable walls for hundreds of years. The 1920s saw ever-increasing numbers of summer visitors and winter athletes being drawn to this beautiful health resort. The buses pulled right up in front of the probate hotel court – and the guests liked what they saw. Even today, holidaymakers take full advantage of the hotel’s central location at the heart of this resort town. The Hotel Buntes Haus is still a popular meeting place for residents and visitors alike – you never know who in the world you’ll meet here.

Beautifully Bunt

Our restaurant has been known as the “Buntes Haus” since 1921. “Bunt” means “colorful” in German: Back in the 20s, the hotel’s windows were first painted a very visible shiny bright blue. As they have remained to the present day – and the “colorful” mood is carried throughout the entire hotel. We’ve designed our multi-faceted, colorful establishment to appeal to our multi-faceted, colorful guests from all over the world. Rich vibrant details and succulent cuisine keep them coming back.

Fresh-to-table cuisine

A first-class kitchen is the gastronomical hallmark of the restaurant at Buntes Haus – no wonder, since hotel owner Ronny Weiß himself learned from scratch while training as a chef. He earned his credentials in top international hotels and restaurants – as did his current head chef.

The kitchen team places a major emphasis on freshness: “We tenderize each of our own cutlets. Listen for that classic pounding sound, that’s a dead giveaway – it tells you that we prepare everything fresh here. We get fresh produce deliveries every day.”

gasstube im erzgebirge
draußen essen in seiffen

The Hotel Buntes Haus Seiffen offers you:

  • 44 comfort-class rooms
  • the traditional Buntes Haus restaurant
  • the Postkutsche Pasta Bar
  • cozy beer garden
  • hotel sauna
Restaurant seiffen

“We cook everything fresh – and yet still get the food out to the table super-quick. Even during Advent, no guest should have to wait longer than 15 minutes for lunch.”
Jörg Turbanisch, head waiter

our menu

The Buntes Haus Seiffen Christmas Guide

Christmas festivities, caroling and lively “Hutzen” afternoon gatherings keep the Erzgebirge culture alive and at its most enchanting. “Seiffen Christmas” at Buntes Haus means never a dull moment. Popular Erzgebirge folklore groups set the musical tone as you
thoroughly enjoy rich coffee and original Erzgebirge Stollen fruit cake.

Special: Seiffener Christmas
Please ask any one of us for your own copy of our flyer which lists all the many events taking place here during this most beautiful time in the Erzgebirge.

traditionelle weihnachten in seiffen
Weihnachten im erzgebirge weihnachtsmarkt

Christmas Market at the Buntes Haus

The Seiffen Christmas Market greets you right in front of our hotel from the first Advent Sunday to the fourth. From three slate-blue stalls, we serve up the best of Christmas in the Erzgebirge out in the brisk fresh air. You can look forward to atmospheric music, delicious coffee and freshly baked cake as well as a large selection of hot seasonal beverages.